business solution

  1. What is HDbitT? (and Benefits)

    What is HDbitT? (and Benefits)

    HDbitT is a popular AV over IP industry standard protocol for video transmission and digital connectivity. HDbitT stands for High-Definition Digital bit Transmission Technology and is a relatively new protocol used in residential and commercial Audio/Video over IP delivery applications; such as: home theater, custom installations, digital signage, video conferencing, and collaboration integration.

    HDbitT enables high-definition audio/video up to 4K@60Hz transmission via network cables, fiber optics, power lines cables, wireless, and more transmission mediums. It provides stable performance, better image clarity, further transmission distance, and other advantages compared to older protocols.

    HDbitT’s goal is to revolutionize the AV industry to help manufacturers, like g

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  2. Wireless HDMI is the Future of Conference Room Sharing

    Wireless HDMI is the Future of Conference Room Sharing

    Huddle or small meeting rooms where 2-10 employees meet to discuss projects, share reports, or brainstorm, move more efficiently with a content sharing solution. It should cater to a variety of presenters and media to operate simply and smoothly, so that a highly collaborative environment is created.

    These meetings involve displaying presentations or other content on a big screen like a projector or HDTV, from multiple laptops. It can be messy and time consuming to plug and unplug HDMI cables to connect different sources and is an inconvenience to set up your laptop right next to the big screen.

    Wireless HDMI

    Wireless HDMI is a simple and cost-effective way to modernize your meeting room without having to deal with expensive or complicated installations. Wirelessly pass video and audio from a laptop or other HDMI source to your TV or projector by connecting a transmitter to the laptop and the receiver to the TV or projector.

    Wireless HDMI allows your

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